There’s a big difference between man and woman concerning leaving nest. Maybe woman are more independent than man, that normally are called with that adjective – man independent only if you are talking about emotional, out of feelings…
Single woman, is capable of beeing alone emotionaly, to manage an house alone, like washing the plates, cleaning cloths, ironing them, pay the bills and leaving them updated, to cook, arrange the house and full other activities….
Yet, men, when living alone, that’s because of one of 3 reasons:
- divorced or separate (they only left nest to marry or to live with someone. These are who bravely don’t return to maternal home. Because, there are some that return …)
- unstructered family – divorced parents or absentee family or inexistently. They don’t have any hipotese other than spend their budget….
- single : On of 2 situations:
1- Lives alone but dependent on mamma, which brings food and washed and ironed cloth.
2 – Has an house of his own, but the only furnished area is the sleeping room, i wonder for what? He goes only there to sleep, ofcourse, it’s the only playfull area in the house. The spare time, lives in parent’s home. Eih and spend hollydays with parents like a child do, and who never grows up…
Where are the guys who leave home by independence, for whishing to be autonomous, raise their proper family, although this family could be only, his only self?
This is a society fault, that protects too much, man from domestic duties, making them not capable of managing an house. Still exists in many families the concept, that woman should do the “minor” tasks, imposed by society. Who wants to live in a chaotic place?
Besides all these, there are others that simple don’t leave nest until 35 year old, because is much better to be in mamma and pappa, which in turn, pays the bills, the food for them,etc. If I would be that way, I would, have a wonderfull salary, a little fortune by now, and would have a top car to impress colleagues at work…eih and a top mobile phone…lolololol
For this all, i run into the conclusion, that man simple can’t be alone. They enter in any relation abruptaly, even if they don’t like their match that much. Alone, never! They got used to their mothers. Their girl, only substitutes their parent…It’s an inhabit not being alone, not autonomouse and not out of nash… (portuguese version)
ps. This is portuguese reality. Don’t know if it is the same cenario in outer places.
Heidi, you have a wonderful take on why men leave the nest...I agree with them by the way. The other reason man leaves the nest is due to society's expectation or cultural, because it is what a man must do; to cut the umbilical cord from the parents.
I think this a universal thing...not exclusive portuguese behaviour.Am I right?
Man has an innate nature to discover his space, sometimes through a relationship. It is because he is a social being and does not wish to live alone, he looks for a mate. A mate who also wishes to share her space. It love that binds this relationship. Of faith, hope, and love, it is love that is most important in making the relationship work.
yeah, "love makes the world go round" like Madonna and WET WET WET said one day...
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